Thursday, October 17, 2019

Project literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project literature review - Essay Example ficial comparisons of silence and voice suggest that ideas are two different behaviors among employee in organizations, they are still multi-dimensional in nature. Silence in an organization is a powerful, tool or force that employees may use to present their grievances (Dyne, Ang and Botero 1364). However, the two can still be used as a way of presenting employee grievances. In organizations, issues that rise as a result of employees being dissatisfied with the working conditions, procedures or other problems are all classified under employee grievances. Aggrieved employees always file their dissatisfaction through such grievance processes and the management team has to take action (Daud, Yahya, Isa, and Noor 247). In some cases, the management is reluctant to take any action. Matters involving grievances show that employees are usually trying to express their dissatisfaction with the management. It also shows that there is a breach of the employees’ rights that get affected because of lack of clarity. In organizations with low rates of grievances, employees may fear presenting their grievances (Daud, Yahya, Isa, and Noor 242). In most companies or businesses, grievance discussions are conducted several times as until the aggrieved parties can agree on the same issues as the party that is accused of propagating the problem. In all the grievance processes carried out in organizations, one main aspect stands out. This is communication. Both formal and informal communications are the key to eliminating or preventing grievances (Daud, Yahya, Isa, and Noor 248). The handling style used also matters because the wrong style of handling a grievance process only increases the frustrations and complains. Justice in institutions, at work or at home can only be attained if there are effective grievance processes. Without these processes, there are no tangible outcomes and the employees’ sense of justice is always violated. Most research on grievance processes focuses

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